Are You Thriving Where You Are Planted?

A lot of my work centers around living your best life, finding joy and happiness everyday and being present in the moment. Living in the moment and being truly present takes work. It is easy to go on auto pilot in our everyday lives between raising families, our work, hectic schedules, making time for friends and family and our never-ending to-do lists. It takes much more practice to make an effort to be fully aware as we go throughout our days.

Much of our anxiety comes from always thinking about what is next, what isn't getting done or what our future holds. By being fully present in each moment we can ease that anxiety and take back control of our thoughts, emotions and everyday stress. Is it easy? Not necessarily at first. But once you become conscious of focusing on the practice of being present in the moment, it becomes easier and easier until it becomes your new normal.

How much of your life is passing you by because you are on auto-pilot and not truly savoring every moment in each day? Are you blooming where you have planted yourself? Does your life and your work give you joy? If not, maybe it's time to take charge of your life and find some new soil. What makes you happy? What lights you up? What are you passionate about? What is something that you've always wanted to do but for whatever reason haven't? Go do those things. We get one life. I hope you'll go live it.

And don't forget to giggle a little...

Are You Thriving Where You Are Planted?